1300 271 188 (Press 1 for SYD, 2 for MEL) Mon-Fri 8:30AM-5:00PM

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1300 271 188 (Press 1 for SYD, 2 for MEL) Mon-Fri 8:30AM-5:00PM

Swap Program Price

iPhone Samsung
MODEL AB grade swap price C grade swap price
iPhone 11PRO MAX 115 160
iPhone 11PRO 90 110
iPhone XS MAX 95 115
iPhone XS 55 70
iPhone X 55 75
iPhone 8P 32 36
iPhone 8 30 35
iPhone 7P 30 35
iPhone 7 28 30
iPhone 6SP 32 35
iPhone 6S 28 30
iPhone 6P 30 -
iPhone 6G 30 -
MODEL AB grade swap to SP price C grade swap to SP price
Samsung NOTE 20U 250 300
Samsung NOTE 20 140 170
Samsung NOTE 10P 180 220
Samsung NOTE 10 170 200
Samsung NOTE 9 170 210
Samsung NOTE 8 160 190
Samsung S20FE 90 110
Samsung S20U 145 175
Samsung S20P 170 210
Samsung S20 170 210
Samsung S10E 160 185
Samsung S10P 185 225
Samsung S10 170 210
Samsung S9P 135 165
Samsung S9 145 175
Samsung S8P 110 140
Samsung S8 110 140

Grade Standard

iPhone(LCD Screen) iPhone(OLED Screen) Samsung(OLED Screen) iPad
Backlight No white spots on white/gray background white spots on white/gray background -
Aging No or slight visible aging middle or Heavy visible aging Siginificant visibleYellow tint ,blue pressure and grey corners etc.
Touch Function Completely working Completely working Any touch issue
LCD crush No any other colour in black background No any other colour in black background Different colour patch in black background (red,pink,green,blue,etc)
Dead pixel small(0-5) dead pixel dots/stars in black background big(5-10) dead pixel dots/stars in black background More than small 20 dead pixel dots/stars in black background
3D touch 3D touch working 3D touch not working -
Water damage No water damage sign, sticker on the back is white No water damage sign, sticker on the back is white Water damage sign, sticker on the back is red
Glass seriously damaged No require for glass broken level No require for glass broken level -
Frame bent No bend or Bent slightly Bent frame severly -
Refurbished before Original, not refurbished before Refurbished before -
Aging No or small aging and discoloration(shadow) Middle visible aging and discoloration (shadow) Siginificant heavy visible aging and discoloration (shadow)
Touch Function Completely working Screens with any touch issue -
Water damage No water damage sign, sticker on the back is white No water damage sign, sticker on the back is white water damage sign, sticker on the back is red
Glass seriously damaged Glass slightly or normal broken Glass seriously broken especially in four corners -
Frame bent No bend or Bent slightly Bent frame severly -
Refurbished before Original, not refurbished before Refurbished before -
Screw mark No dent at back dent at back -
Aging No or small visible aging and discoloration(shadow) Middle visible aging and discoloration(shadow) Siginificant heavy visible aging and discoloration (shadow) or Bullet Mark
Touch Function Completely working Completely working Screens with any touch issue
Glass seriously damaged Glass slightly or normal broken Glass seriously broken especially in four corners -
Black dot No black dot No black dot Black dot in anywhere of screens
Water damage No water damage sign, sticker on the back is white No water damage sign, sticker on the back is white Water damage sign, sticker on the back is red
Refurbished before Original, not refurbished before Refurbished before -
Backlight No white spots on white/gray background White spots on white/gray background
Aging No aging VisibleYellow tint, aging and grey corners etc.
Touch Function Completely working Screens with any touch issue
LCD crush Cannot see any color only black in black background Have different color not just black in black background
Dead pixel No more than 5 dead pixel dots in black background More than 5 dead pixel dots in black background
Water damage No water damage sign, sticker on the back is white Water damage sign, sticker on the back is red
Glass seriously damaged Glass slightly or normal broken Glass seriously broken especially in four corners
Refurbished before Original, not refurbished before Refurbished before

OEM or Non-OEM:
OEM screes in this article means those which come from Apple original phones. These broken screens come from phones which have never been previously repaired or only repaired in official Apple stores. Most of replacement screens are Non-OEM screens.

What We Are Looking For When Testing Screens (unqualified or grade B):

Bad Back-Light Non-OEM
Dead Pixels
(Considered DEFECTIVE)
Grey Area
(Considered DEFECTIVE)
(Considered DEFECTIVE)
Screen Burns
(Considered DEFECTIVE)
Pressure Spots
(Considered DEFECTIVE)
Flex issue-The screen will flash when you shake the flex cable gently
(Considered DEFECTIVE)
Touch Functionality White spots Aging Water damage
Glass seriously damaged Screw mark on back of screen

Mixed issues will be graded to lower grade or Full Broken.

All price of Edge Screens is with frame
Crazyparts pay AUD 1 dollar each for unqualified samsung screen for S8 and above. Crazyparts pay 5 dollars for working aftermarket x-11promax cracked screen (Display and touch functions are fully working)

All above prices are GST exclusive, and all membership benefit will not apply to this program.


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